Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Crushed Bugs!

I don't know if you saw today's "Get Fuzzy" or not (I read it every day, along with F-Minus, and I'm not ashamed of that at all.), but here it is, for those of you who didn't see it:

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(Ha, and yeah, that's probably a massive copyright infringement. Sorry Darby. I really like your comic, and I promise I'll buy your new book to balance things out.)

Anyway, someone (namely me) actually did "google it," and that someone found this in BusinessWeek:

"When you dig into a strawberry Yoplait yogurt, take a moment to contemplate where the beautiful pink color comes from. Strawberries? Think again. It comes from crushed bugs. Specifically, from the female cochineal beetles and their eggs. And it's not just yogurt. The bugs are also used to give red coloring to Hershey Good & Plenty candies, Tropicana grapefruit juice, and other common foods."

Yeah, they're being real with it. Cochineal Extract is actually crushed bugs.

This is something everyone else already knew, but I was totally unaware, and it blew my mind.

That isn't to say that I'm going to change my yogurt diet in any way whatsoever, but just think. Crushed bugs!

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