Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Actual Sponsored Ads By Google

Are you familiar with Google's Sponsored Ads? I use GMail, and every time I send an email to someone, these sponsored ads pop up on the sidebar. What they do (or what the're supposed to do) is pick out key words or repeated phrases in the email and integrate an appropriate advertisement. So, if I'm writing a lot about cars, maybe Ernie Boch's link will pop up.

Something like that.

The only problem is the fact that it doesn't work especially well. Or maybe that it works too well.

Here are actual sponsored ads by google that popped up in a couple of emails:

Sponsored Links

Verilux® Light Therapy
Save $104.93 with our HappyLite + Natural Light Alarm Clock Special.

Are You Happy?
This free PhD Certified Test will show how happy you really are!

Confess Your Secrets
Anonymous online confessions Let the guilt out. No one will know

SAD Sufferer?
What They Didn't Want You To Know Separate Truth From Fiction

We have what you are looking for! Great offers for cable & connector.

Here are the top 8
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Black Opal Specialists
16,000 Opals & NR Opal auctions Black Opal From Top Opal Miners

- - - -

Here's another one:

Sponsored Links

$1,200/Hr For Your Pets?
Take Our Pet Survey And We'll Pay You $300 In The Next 15 Minutes!

Finally, No Body Odor
Deodorant that destroys underarm & foot odor or receive 100% refund.

New Body Freshener
Eliminates all types of body odor. Leaves a Long Lasting odor barrier.

Mold Removal Guide
What you need to know about mold removal & remediation. Info guide.

Stretch Marks Go Away
Bioque Vitamin K1 8% Serum quickly makes stretch marks disappear.

Buy Odor Control Products
Freezer - Refrigerator Any Odors Even neutralize spoiled food smell

Stretch Mark Chart
Ranking of the top stretch mark treatments for 2006!

Control Body Odor
Deodorants, Antiperspirants and Skin Care products by Sesderma

- - - -

No work today, so here we are, researching stereos at circuitcity.com and finding absolutely no information that I understand.

I'll write a story soon.


1 comment:

Elise said...

Why is it so cold?