Thursday, September 27, 2007

Per Dave's... uh, idea, I Guess

The Stick On The Left: (A Study in modern domestics)

Scene 1: (Howard is fiddling with the string which controls the horizontal blinds covering the lone window. Karen enters.)

Howard: What's the deal with these blinds?

Karen: You picked the color, I told you I didn't like it.

Howard: No, I mean the string doesn't make them go up and down.

Karen: Yes it does.

Howard: No like I want it to make them all move at the same time, you know, like... like making the window dimmer or whatever.

Karen: Oh no you use the stick on the left for that.

Howard: The stick?

Karen: Yeah, on the left.


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Watching Cricket: (A Study in international relations)

Scene 1: (Chris sits in front of his TV. Nick enters.)

Chris: (flipping through channels) Hey I just got this English channel and I think there's a cricket match on.

Nick: Don't watch cricket, cricket sucks.... oh dude, dude, The Matrix, go back.


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After A Car Crash: (A gripping tale of marital tension.)

Scene 1: (Kate arrives at the scene of a car wreck. She pulls Gene from the driver's seat. He is bleeding from a cut on his forehead.)

Kate: Jesus Gene, my car what happened?

Gene: I dunno, I didn't take your car. I just got here.

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Before A Car Crash: (A 'buddy' play)

Scene 1: (Gene and Max are at a bar)

Gene: I could totally do it.

Max: Bullshit.

Gene: I totally could. Here, I have the keys, do you have the mace on you now?

Max: Yeah.

Gene: Alright lets go. This is gonna be so dope.

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Fantasy Baseball: (The Girlfriend one)

Scene 1: (Steve and Heather are cooking together.)

Steve: Honey, do you know anything about Fantasy baseball?

Heather: No.

Steve: I guess it's an online thing.

Heather: Yeah, I think you're right.

Steve: I'd really rather it be by phone.

Heather: Oh, well yeah.


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More of this later, I'm sure. Right now it's chip time.

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