Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm Just Going To Jump Right Into This One

I had this dream last night. I was in a warehouse, not too big, but kind of dark, with maybe thirty other people. A movie was being shot, and I was in the movie, but all we were doing was playing football. With a wedding ring. The ring was the football.

Patrick Swayze was on my team, but he was really annoying me, so I punched the shit out of him. I mean, I really did damage. He wouldn't stop talking shit.

So in the middle of this, they're rolling cameras, lights and all this stuff, I'm beating up Swayze, and Deion Sanders comes up with the ring and starts running on me and Swayze's side.

So I tell Swayze to start blocking for him, but he's still being a jerk, so I drag him up the field and use his body to block, punching him in the face occassionally for good measure.

Deion gets to the endzone, which is a rubber mat, maybe six feet long by three feet deep, but he realizes he lost the ring in the process. It's on the ground, I see, and I recover it, hand it to Deion, and we score.

Then I woke up.

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